Allseas a Qooling Customer

About Allseas

Allseas is a global leader in offshore pipeline installation, heavy lifts and subsea construction. They operate a versatile fleet of specialised heavy-lift, pipelay and support vessels, designed and developed in-house. Allseas approach is to support clients already in the conceptual design stage, and offer services for project management, engineering and procurement up to and including fabrication, installation and commissioning.

Industry: Oil & Energy
Company size: Enterprise
Location: Swiss, The Netherlands & United States
Implementation time: 4 months

Allseas from Excel to Qooling

Allseas mainly used Excel for their Quality Management System. Excel wasn’t really a stable solution. Especially when several people were working on a document at the same time, Excel caused problems. Allseas chose Qooling because they needed a technical developer who could help them with these problems. Besides that, Allseas wanted a platform that delivers as much output as possible, with as little input as possible. They found that Qooling succeeded in this.

Why Qooling?

Qooling has mainly contributed to making processes more transparent and the responsibilities are defined in a clear time frame. In addition, the failure costs in documentation have fallen significantly. Before the use of Qooling, most of the time, Quality documents needed to be restored. These are some of the benefits that Allseas is experiencing now that Qooling is being used.


Since the use of Qooling, audits from customers or other third parties have become much easier. With the basis of the data from Qooling, it is much easier to give answers. The results of this are that the Quality standards are more easily achieved and the customers of Allseas experience much less “non-compliances”. This boosts the confidence of the customers in Allseas.

Implementation Process

The implementation of Qooling was aligned with a big project. It took more or less four to five months to implement Qooling in Allseas due to the project timeline. Allseas went online with Qooling in one go. This created a little bit of stress, but it forced Allseas to see that everything needed to be implemented in one time.

Qooling Staff

The cooperation with Qooling is very pleasant. The employees of Qooling are very flexible and always accessible. Within Allseas there was some resistance against Qooling, because certain disciplines, like draftsmen and foremen, also need to use Qooling within their daily tasks. Fortunately, they now also see the benefits of using Qooling.

“I would give Qooling a 9.99 and would definitely recommend it to others. I don’t give a 10, because there's always room for improvement."

Menno Deneken

QC Manager

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