Quercus Boomexperts, a Qooling customer

About Quercus Boomexperts

“We are the solution for every conceivable tree.” This is the vision of Quercus Boomexperts B.V. Quercus tree experts are more than a traditional green contractor. They are all-round specialists who form a fixed point of contact for the job. In addition, they develop knowledge that in on its own adds value to the field. Quercus is an organization in which currently 22 construction professionals work with dedication on safe, attractive and manageable tree stocks, from the large-scale tree areas of Rijkswaterstaat and provinces to the one monumental beech tree in the backyard of Ms van den Bos; each tree has a story and deserves the care it needs. Quercus researches, inspects, saws and plants with the skill and enthusiasm that can be expected from an expert.

Industry: Landscaping
Company size: SME
Location: Eelde, The Netherlands

Standards: ISO 9001, SCC, C02, BRL
Implementation time: 2 days


Like a lot of other companies that became clients of Qooling, Quercus Boomexperts previously used Word, Excel and Outlook as their quality management systems. This led to lots of administration and paperwork and an under-utilized management system. Quercus chose Qooling because of the many possibilities the platform offers. Everything required for a good management system is included in the Qooling platform and this fits well with how Quercus works. In addition, it is an easy system to use for the staff and the price is right for what Qooling offers you.

The ease of Qooling

By switching to Qooling, all files are now easier to find and everyone has the latest versions. Quercus finds the online aspect of Qooling especially handy: “No more papers are left outside by the employees who then have to store them in the system.” This is because everyone can now make reports online, including photos, much faster than before using Qooling. The biggest advantage is that more improvement opportunities arise at the office now.

Implementation Process

The implementation of Qooling went smoothly. Quercus had two days of guidance from the Qooling team and after they did the rest of the implementation themselves, this also went smoothly. After the implementation, Quercus explained to the staff how Qooling works and what you should do with Qooling.

Qooling Staff

The collaboration with Qooling is fantastic, adequate and the team is proactive. Furthermore, they work in a solution-oriented manner, when Quercus comes up with an improvement proposal, it will be picked up rather quickly. The experience with Qooling is very positive. The employees had to get used to it first, because they are people who like to be outside and therefore do not have much use of computers and telephones. After seeing how easily Qooling works, they are very positive about the system.

The QHSE coordinator is also a big supporter of Qooling: “I am a big fan of Qooling and almost feel like an ambassador for Qooling. I have certainly recommended it to several companies. A 10 out of 10 sounds exaggerated, but I mean it. It has made my work as a QHSE coordinator so much easier and more fun.”

“Audits are chilled and relaxed. I had to be careful not to lean back too much in my chair.”

Martijn Tetteroo

QHSE Coordinator

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